30 Days of Genius! Inspiration for training, health and development.

Don’t be heroic, be consistent!-Dr. Kelly Starrett

A few great tips in this video, and as a bonus watch a #30daysofgenious video daily!

My favorite lacrosse ball method was discussed; it grabbed my attention and got me to write about it here!

He says soft tissue work, like massage or using rollers or a lacrosse ball, 10 minutes before bed can produce wonders for health and knowledge of body issues.  If you find pain, stay there, let the pressure, blood flow and breathing relax the area.

He also discussed working through your full range of motion.  I’ve been learning a lot about my hip mobility with low, no weight squats and lunging left and right while spreading out into more of a straddle.  Daily mobility exercise is so easy and it works!

I’m buying his books and will report back after reading.

He also talks about his morning routine and says the Wim Hof Method is blowing his mind.  Worth a try…

Wim Hof Method:
